Download files from hdfs
The syntax for the same is:. For example, let us list the files in the local filesystem using the "ls" command and try uploading one of those files to the HDFS. Let us upload the "Test. Similar to the -put command, we use the "-get" command to download files from HDFS to the local file system. Pass the -get argument in the hadoop fs command followed by the file source and the destination path to which we wish to download the file.
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The command chmod affects the permissions of the folder or file. We will give root access to read and write to the user directory. Later we will perform an operation in which we send a file from our local filesystem to hdfs.
Type the following command, so we can switch back to the root user. We can perform the remaining file operations under the user folder since the permissions were changed. The command mkdir takes the path URI's as an argument and creates a directory or multiple directories. The full syntax of how to create a directory is below:. Let's create the directory for the driver dataset by entering the following commands into your terminal:. The command put copies single src file or multiple src files from local file system to the Hadoop Distributed File System.
Step 1: Switch to root user from ec2-user using the "sudo -i" command. The syntax for the same is:. For example, let us list the files in the local filesystem using the "ls" command and try uploading one of those files to the HDFS. Let us upload the "Test. Similar to the -put command, we use the "-get" command to download files from HDFS to the local file system. Pass the -get argument in the hadoop fs command followed by the file source and the destination path to which we wish to download the file.