Pc-98 power slave download
But that was two years ago, an eternity in the gaming world. There has since been Duke Nukem 3D , Quake , Tomb Raider , and a host of other 3D shooters that have broken the boundaries laid out in id's amazing Doom. Playmates Interactive did what they set out to do, but it may unfortunately turn out to be too little, too late. The basic theme of Powerslave is also very similar to Doom -- you are a special forces commando who goes to see what has become of a bunch of your comrades who have disappeared after going to investigate some mysterious goings-on, this time in Egypt rather than in a futuristic space port, though.
The rest you can pretty much figure out -- there are a whole host of bad dudes, from pesky pound spiders to piranhas to scorpion-bodied demi-goddesses of destruction 30 feet high. Cool looking opponents, to be sure, but they fall and die like any other ones you may have encountered.
Gameplay is almost identical to Duke Nukem 3D in every aspect -- your character even has some witty rejoinders much like Duke. I'm still waiting for a game with a wisecracking tough guy who has the wit of an Indiana Jones, though. If there is one thing that sets Powerslave apart from the pack of 3D shooters, it is its graphics.
It's not that they're stunning to look at; it's that they get away from the sci-fi, post-apocalyptic theme found in virtually every other game of this genre. In Powerslave much is made of the Egyptian environment, the pyramids, tombs, and desert plants and creatures.
It has a very nice feel about it, and it is obvious that considerable work has been done to lay out the levels, traps and levers that one must figure out to progress through the game. The audio in Powerslave is, well, appropriate to the environment.
I can't say much more about it -- it doesn't thrill or chill few games have music that does , but it works well with the overall motif. I was half expecting to hear a little Iron Maiden hidden somewhere within the game, as I assume from the look of this game that the title comes directly by inspiration of the British rockers' album of the same title.
Powerslave is a decent game. If you like the genre and want a different feel from the regular futuristic slugfest, then you might check Powerslave out -- it's not the best or the most innovative 3D shooter out there, and it will undoubtedly face very stiff competition from the field, but it is not a cheap rip-off either. It is well thought out, well put together, and has a number of nice creative touches.
Overall it rates a 76 out of ; a passing grade. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. I guess some people like playing Doom, over, and over, and over, and over Not for me.
Savage 0 point. Game ran pretty well on dos version, framerate got chopped to hell in CD version. Anyone have any tips? I tried all different kinds of resolutions and dos32a which I am not even sure how to run properly I get fatal syntax error I don't know what to do. I really wanna play with CD audio but the game runs pretty rough. This is depressing man :. Guy Fawkes 4 points. Guy Fawkes 1 point. Anyone got the CD audio for this thing? Been looking all over the internet for it. Region locked 1 point.
I remember playing this at a friends house a long time ago but never been able to find it under the name "exhumed" I know why now. Also considering the timing and the name "power slave", it must be a Iron maiden reference.
At that time they where big but not maybe not big enough for yanks to get it Zuop 1 point. With it you can change the resolution to the game. Works fine for me other than some key binding quirks. Looks like a good game. Do -1 point DOS version. Tortoise -2 points DOS version. Erik 1 point DOS version. Actually you are not wrong.
Pat -1 point DOS version. They reduce the player's ability to defend themselves, making the game harder in an unnatural way. If it weren't for this, I'd heartily recommend this game to any FPS lover. It's got so much going for it, but an important key element is simply busted. So, I'll say this It's got the level count, design, weapons, graphics and sound that will help you enjoy trying to bring the Kilmaat threat to an end. But be warned That way when you turn on Caps Lock, mouse look continues working without having to hold down anything.
It's not perfect, as you can't look around while firing, but it helps a bit. Please give whatever you can to help us. Create new account Request new password. Home » Games » Action » Powerslave aka Exhumed. Lobotomy Software. Playmates Interactive Entertainment. If you like this game, you will also like. Wolfenstein 3D. Doom II - Hell on Earth.