Hitman 2 i cant download new york ps4
This new sniper map is just the first part of the 1st of 2 DLC's, right? So theres more coming as part of the first expansion. What I'm asking is why you cant just buy the whole 1st expansion. The only way I see of obtaining this is through the silver edition which I cannot buy because I have already bought the standard.
Originally posted by space k :. Originally posted by Kunovega :. Last edited by Kunovega ; 26 Mar, pm. Originally posted by burningmime :. The answer is simple - They don't want you to be able to purchase them separately. They might release them all separately at a later date, they might not. The gaming community seems to have spoken however, and they really hate their Hitman in pieces. The previous game literally gave you the option to purchase individual levels at your leisure, and everyone freaked out about it.
With this release its no surprise they are trying to clump as much together as possible. Full game, 2 expansion packs. Originally posted by Tyrant My Vision is Augmented :. I blocked the Kunovega guy because he seems to be on here just looking to argue with people who have questions. Thank you though Tyrant. You're response makes sense. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 26 Mar, pm. Posts: Discussions Rules and Guidelines.
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All rights reserved. It aks me to purchase the expansion pass which i did but it still wont let me play new missions. It just keeps telling me to purchase the pass.
Showing 1 - 11 of 11 comments. Did you finish downloading the 25gb of missions after purchasing the standard edition? Did you close and reopen the game after finishing the download? Doing so has solved the issue for some people you might have to restart steam as it does seem to have problem recognizing the purchase without a restart. If that doesnt fix your issue then the best thing I can tell you is to ask for help in the technical issues thread on the official forum www. Mysteria View Profile View Posts.
Did you actually purchase the base game or did you only purchase the expansion pass??? I have they same problem. Same question. Also: did your download finish? How much space does the game take on your disk? Just 9gb. I uninstall it to install ir again and it just weight 9gb. Originally posted by FuRiA :. Originally posted by goka :. You need to buy the standard game. Bloo View Profile View Posts.